conventional root canal

The Conventional Root Canal Treatment

There are a multitude of potential problems that may develop with the conventional root canal treatment. For one thing, the entire nerve of an offending tooth may not be dead. It is infected, and causing pain, but much of it may still be viable or revivable with proper treatment. However, the conventional treatment that most dentists will resort to, destroys and removes the entire nerve (also called the pulp), effectively "killing" the involved tooth. As far as the body is concerned, the tooth is dead, and blood, oxygen and lymphatic circulation is destroyed and cut off from that tooth, which in turn weakens the immunity in that area.

After the nerve/pulp has been removed, the dentist attempts to sterilize and disinfect the empty pulp/root chamber by using caustic, toxic chemicals such as Cresol, Formaldehyde, Phenol, or Paramonochlorophenol, that are extremely harmful to the body if ingested or absorbed into the blood stream.

To fill the empty pulp/root chamber, dentists will usually use a compound called "gutta percha." This compound is made up of a mixture of latex and heavy metal salts such as mercury, cadmium, or lead. These heavy metals are added to the filling material so the root canal will show up well on an X-Ray, and have no other practical use.

Gutta Percha may be toxic to those patients who have allergies or are sensitive to latex. Also, this compound has a propensity to shrink after it cures, pulling away from the nerve/root chamber walls and causing microscopic bubbles to form, where bacteria can breed causing eventual further decay. The chemicals that were used to try to sterilize the chamber are not very effective or foolproof, and there is no guarantee there will not be a re-infection.

Another problem with the conventional root canal treatment is the need to drill away healthy tooth structure to the point where a crown must be placed. So-called "permanent" crown cement can crack and leak, allowing pathogens back into the treated tooth. This cement has low adhesion, requiring either large amounts of tooth structure to hang onto, or a metal post to be screwed into the tooth so the cement and crown will have something to attach to. Crowns, even so-called "gold crowns," are made of mixed metal alloys, and due to the faulty cement, can leak and allow the teeth underneath them to further decay and corrode.

The crown, if not properly seated, can trap food particles and plaque, causing chronic inflammation of the gums (periodontal inflammation). The gums and surrounding tissues may also be sensitive, or allergic to, the materials used in these restorations, and this may also cause chronic periodontal inflammation.

As a further complication, the root-canaled, crowned tooth can develop additional problems, including bone death around the tooth, and the patient may never know it because the nerve is dead and these problems cannot be felt or sensed.

The next page is a reprint of an article from discussing some of the health risks of the standard, conventional root canal.

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